Nutribullet Review

Is the little blender worth the price?

This isn’t something that I purchased myself. It was actually a gift for my dad years ago. Apparently it was good enough to stay all this time. It has become the only “blender” in the kitchen and it has come in handy more than a few times. In recent times the price in this has come down quite a bit, so this review will really just discuss if it’s still worth that low price.

Purchase Info:

Like I said, I didn’t buy this. However, at the time of writing this, the blender can be found for less than $60 on Amazon.

Build Quality:

In all these years (I couldn’t tell you how many exactly) this blender has always worked just fine. While the one we have has a metal body, I think the newer ones have a plastic body, which is something to keep in mind. I don’t really have any complaints about the build quality itself, but there are some small details that could be changed to make the overall experience better. If the bottom piece with the blades had more texture, it would make it a lot easier remove it after blending. The model I have has a pretty smooth surface on the sides which isn’t easy to grip when trying to remove it. I’m also pretty sure there’s no reason for it being as loud as it is when blending just liquids. This may be improved in the newer ones, however. Other than that, I’d give the build quality an 8/10. I don’t see any glaring longevity flaws.

Functionality & Performance:

Honestly, if you just want to make personal smoothies with frozen fruit, I don’t think that you’d be too upset with this for the price. It will blend your ingredients, but they won’t be the smoothest. For 60 dollars I think you should be able to get something a little better and bigger, but if the size is that important to you, then maybe its worth the price. Now, I will say I’m not an expert on blenders and I don’t have the widest breadth of experience with blenders, so maybe this is a great power to size ratio. Despite this, I have to say that this blender doesn’t have much power and I think the blade design is lackluster. Things get stuck fairly often and the ingredients often have a hard time making their way down to the blades. This results in less than smooth smoothies and blends that take multiple scrape downs to get something acceptable. Yet, for nearly all recipes, this blender gets the job done. Cleaning it is pretty easy and it’s not a hard blender to live with or store thanks to its size.

Is it Necessary?:

Is any blender necessary? It depends on what you want to make of course, but it definitely make a lot of things easier. In the kitchen, if you don’t want to make smoothies, I think that a food processor might be the better pick.

Do I recommend it?

If you are short on space and make smoothies along with occasional cooking then yes. If you’re more serious about cooking then I’d say get a more robust blender.

Overall Rating: 7/10

There’s a blender for everyone. This one isn’t bad. There are some things it can’t do, but it can do almost everything you’d expect a blender to do at an acceptable quality. Plus, it’s relatively inexpensive.


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