The Recipe Analyst

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SFAH Slow Roasted Salmon

I didn’t realize it was upside down until I started eating

Time: 1 Hour

Ingredient Availability: 5/5

Difficulty: 1/5

I’m not sure if I’ve said this before on this blog, but I think Salmon is my favorite non-white fish. There’s just something about the flavor that I really enjoy, especially when it’s cooked well (not cooked well-done). This recipe is about as simple as a salmon recipe gets without just being cooking the salmon until done. Let’s find out if this is a recipe that is better than the sum of its parts.

Key Ingredients and Omissions:

I don’t think the herbs you choose really matter

There are hardly any ingredients in this recipe, so I wouldn’t say anything could really be omitted. Since there are so few ingredients, I would say that you should use as high quality of ingredients as you can afford. In the picture, there is thyme, but I didn’t use it. The herbs I used were dill, sage, and rosemary.


  • Nothing Special

Cooking Review:

Prep: 10 Minutes

To prep, I just had to wash and arrange the herbs on a baking sheet, salt the fish, and rub the fish with olive oil. My fish didn’t have any bones in it, so I didn’t have to do the removal step. I then placed the fish inside the bed of herbs.

Roasting: 50 minutes

I roasted the salmon at 225 degrees Fahrenheit  for 50 minutes. At that point, the fish was about 135 degrees internal and flaky.

Maybe the herbs are there to make it look fancier?


It was really hard for me to tell if the herbs did anything in this recipe. The more I ate, I think I could discern some dill flavors, but they were light at best. Aside from that, the fish was well cooked and seasoned well. I know the recipe doesn’t give any specific measurements for the salt, but its worth pointing out that salmon will taste good if seasoned with just salt and maybe some olive oil. The fish remained moist and flaked nicely. If you don’t like the flavor of salmon, you won’t like this dish, as that is pretty much the only flavor present. Every now and then you might be able to get a little of the herbs you chose, but thats just a maybe. With that being said, I’d give this recipe a 7/10. It really isn’t better than what you’d expect from the ingredients. I think it just gave me a low effort way of making my favorite fish, which I don’t mind at all.