The Recipe Analyst

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Rodney Scott’s Coleslaw

This Recipe Makes Quite A lot of Slaw

Is this coleslaw worth the time?

Time: 30 minutes

Difficulty: 1/5

Ingredient Availability: 5/5

Coleslaw is a pretty stereotypically souther side dish, so I would expect Rodney Scott’s recipe to be pretty good. While it throws me off that it calls for green bell peppers, you never know, maybe that what all the others are missing. I decided to make this recipe because its simple, should be easy, and I almost never have any sides to go with the dishes I make to review, so here’s a pretty versatile one.

Key Ingredients and Omissions:

A small cabbage yields plenty

Nothing in this recipe is particularly special. As I said, I do find it odd that this recipe has a bell pepper in it, but other than that, nothing is out of the ordinary. I didn’t omit any ingredients.


  • Large bowl

  • Small Bowl

Cooking Review:

Vegetable Prep: 20 Minutes

In preparing my vegetables, I thought it might be easier and/or quicker to use my food processor with the grating plate. I used it to shred the cabbage and carrot and while it may have been a little faster than doing it by hand, I still had to spend the time to clean the food processor, so it may be a wash at the end of the day. I also diced the bell pepper in this time.

Dressing  and Tossing: 10 Minutes

Once all the vegetables were in a large bowl, I used a small bowl to mix the remaining ingredients to make the dressing before adding it to the the vegetables and mixing them thoroughly.


At first taste, I could definitely detect some sweetness and the overall seasoning level was pretty good. Other than that, this coleslaw was pretty run of the mill. It was fresh and had a little tanginess, but nearly all coleslaws have that, especially ones that are freshly made. Over time, the tanginess did seem to increase, but that didn’t make it any better or worse. The prevalence of the bell pepper flavor also seemed to increase over time. I’m neither a bell pepper hater nor a big fan, but I don’t think that I like bell peppers in my coleslaw. With all that being said, I’d give this recipe a 7/10. I don’t you won’t be upset you spent half an hour making it. Whether you enjoy the bell peppers or not, its an average coleslaw and gets the job done.